Smart Door Lock


What are Smart Door Locks?

Gone are the days of conventional doors and security systems. As the world has stepped into the technological advancement of secure living, smart home door locks are the convenient choices that homeowners are making today. With five different means of opening a door lock, Jal Digital System is proud to represent the Solity brand in India. Being Korea’s No. 1 Digital Lock Brand, we are at par with its competitors in providing its customers with highly secure and easy options. Solity is South Korea’s Largest Manufacturer of Digital Locks. Through a smart door lock, you will be able to access your door with the help of a numerical password, your mobile, fingerprint, RFID card or simply a good old-fashioned key.

The premium technology enhances your experience of controlling your door from anywhere through a mobile application easily available to Android and iOS users. The versatility of this door is that allows you to authorize who can access through your door, even while you are away. With one-time password generations for guests and the ability to change your passwords remotely, Jal Digital’s lock are the best smart door locks in India. The ideal security features within the smart door lock helps you to keep a check on the visitors and lets you authorize their entries. What’s more is that all the locks are 100% made in South Korea.

Jal Digital System is proud to have an extensive range of the best smart locks, based on the diverse preferences of the current market. These sleek and modern designs are curated in a way that they add a touch of elegance to your homes and offices with the much-needed security. Our popular door locks are the fingerprint door locks and the digital keypad door lock ones which are perfect for those who do not wish to carry their keys.

These door locks are not only for the younger generation. You do not have to be tech-savvy or a computer-genius to open them. With our fingerprint door handles, anybody irrespective of age, can learn how to open these doors with no issues whatsoever. Our fingerprint door locks are of cutting-edge technology in India, with superior quality and smooth finish. When it comes to convenience, high-quality security and modern designs in door-lock technology, Jal Digital Signatures is one of the best suppliers in India.

Why Smart Door Locks?

Digital door locks are increasingly popular not just because of the technology they provide or because of how fancy they may seem, but also because of the enhanced security they provide in comparison to the conventional door locks. While a traditional door lock can be easily broken with force, the deadbolt in digital locks is inserted into the doorframe, making it a doubly reinforced system and that much harder to break into. These locks are also not easy to be picked or tweaked, like their conventional counterparts. Jal Digital System is extremely elated to be catering to this intention of contributing to the safety of homeowners and commercial sectors by being one of smart door lock suppliers.

Features of Digital Door Locks

  • Keyless Access: Our door locks ensure keyless access through the doors, without the hassle of carrying keys. You can now retire your keychains and the worry of the security of your home/workspace.
  • Automatic Logs of Visitors/Activities: The smart door locks allows you to be aware of who all had access to the door. Moreover, it will also keep a track of your activities daily and tell you how many times the door was accessed and by whom.
  • Enhanced Security: The alarm in these locks ensures that no unauthorized access is made through your doors.
  • Easy Installation: The door lock can be easily installed with the help of a manual and an expert. These locks can replace your old locks and the kind of door will not matter, as they are extremely versatile and would work with any kind of wooden or metal surface.
  • Diverse Unlocking Options: The door lock can be opened through a numerical password, RFID card, fingerprint, mobile phone, and/or a key.
  • Convenience: The digital door locks are easy and convenient for all those who hate to carry a key or are too anxious if they have locked the door. With the help of remote access, they can comfortably enjoy the ease of keeping their home/office secure.
  • Multiple User: You can choose how many users you want to give permanent or temporary access to with the help of our smart door locks.


  • No, the door can be of any kind and under an expert’s supervision, our lock can be installed.

  • No, the process is simple. With the help of a detailed manual and a professional’s assistance, the smart door lock can be installed in a short span of time.

  • Yes, the door should be about 30mm to 70mm, in terms of thickness for the smart door lock to be installed.

  • Yes, it can easily be locked/unlocked with a key, just like a conventional door lock. Moreover, you can even use your thumb impression/numerical password/RFID card to do the same.

  • Yes, you can operate the smart door lock from anywhere, if they are Wi-Fi enabled and have access to the Wi-Fi connection.

  • In the event of power failure or the Wi-Fi going down, the smart door lock will still be operated locally, but the remote access will not function.

  • Yes, the smart door locks are battery operated. You can use 4 AAA, 4 AA and 8 AAA batteries for the same.